Archaeology: Just Add Water „Światowit” Suppl. Series U, volume II

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Archaeology Just Add Water vol. II
MARTIN LEMKE, MARTA BAJTLER, KAROLINA TRUSZ Naval Supply Lines for the Roman Army in Moesia Inferior – Basic Considerations for the Danube Underwater Heritage Project
IVÁN NEGUERUELA MARTÍNEZ, ROCÍO CASTILLO BELINCHÓN, JUAN LUIS SIERRA MÉNDEZ, PATRICIA RECIO SÁNCHEZ The Mercedes 2015–2017 Project: Exploration and Excavation of the Wreck Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes
PRZEMYSŁAW ADRIAN TRZEŚNIOWSKI Do Not Mess with the Apus: Technical and Safety Aspects of the High Mountain Underwater Archaeology
MAGDALENA KRZEMIEŃ, BERNARD HERMES, JAKUB MACIEJEWSKI, MAŁGORZATA MILESZCZYK, MATEUSZ POPEK Petén Itzá Project – Results of the Underwater Reconnaissance in Lake Petén Itzá (Northern Guatemala)
KLAUDIA DAŇOVÁ, MIROSLAVA DAŇOVÁ Significant Crossroads at the Lower Reaches of the River Váh
BARTOSZ KONTNY Axes from Lake Lubanowo (Pomerania, Poland) and Their Possible Function on the Background of Watery Finds of the Roman Period and Middle Ages
WALDEMAR OSSOWSKI, MICHAŁ GRABOWSKI, WOJCIECH BORKOWSKI Shipwreck from Czersk. Excavation of the Large Vistula River Vessel from Medieval Times
PIOTR MALIŃSKI, SŁAWOMIR RADASZEWSKI, PRZEMYSŁAW KRAJEWSKI Underwater Relic of the Battle of the Oder River – Wrecks of a Frontal Semi-Pontoon from the Soviet N2P Pontoon-Bridge Park
PIOTR MALIŃSKI The Lower Oder: ‘Gardens Full of Wrecks’. First Results of Ethnoarchaeological Research
MATEUSZ POPEK, ANDRZEJ PYDYN The Most Recent Five Years of Underwater Research in the Department of Underwater Archaeology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
MAŁGORZATA MILESZCZYK, MAGDALENA NOWAKOWSKA Site Rybno I – Lake Grid Dwelling on Lake Piłakno and Its Micro-Region. Research Proposal
ARTUR BRZÓSKA, ALEKSANDRA CHOŁUJ, PIOTR PREJS, ANDRZEJ SZERSZEŃ The State and Prospects of Archaeological Underwater Research as a Part of the Project Vistula Underwater Heritage of Warsaw and the Surrounding Area. Recognition of Underwater Archaeological Sites as a Part of AZP Research
The publication was possible due to the funding from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education